Pepsi Co. Frito Lays teamed up with Vatom to create a wonderful game / app for Fifa and The World Cup. The game itself was an amazing flex in technology breaking the boundaries of advertising and what is possible inside of this digital marketing space. They had this vision in place and reached out to us to help design the UI for the game as well as create an opening animation and promotional content for the project as a whole. How could we resist?
Our Approach
We first discussed the reason for making this and the importance of bringing the Football community together in a global sense and using Frito Lays as a catalyst to gather everyone together. We leaned into the idea that all the users of the game would come together as a community and be recognized on the ball itself unifying the World Cup fan base. We wanted this to all be premium and feel the golden light inside of the narrative so we stuck to this thread inside of our mat dev and compositing. This of course carried over into all of the x screens we designed in the UI/UX app design.